Tuesday, October 5, 2010


It is funny how God gets our attention.... We can be just doing the most random things then then WHAM!!! you are struck in the face with something you never expected. I don't know about you but that is usually how God gets ahold of me. Take the other day for example..... I am on the internet looking up a spirtuality test for school and it takes me to a website for a daily devotional.....Not being one to miss out on reading a verse of the day I looked it over ....James 3:9 "With the tounge we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people, who have been made in Gods likeness." Simple enough right... a very good point and very good verse . I read it a few times, understand it and have my little chat with God about it and what it means to mean and my daily life.....so I go on with my home work thinking all is good and done..... NOPE...." with our tounge we praise our Lord and Father..." YES YES Lord I know I praise you all the time without you I would be.....well in a pit or dare I say probably not even on this earth any more....I would be miserable for sure . So praising you is not a problem . I get it!!! back to the books..... "with it we curse people....." Ok so people say bad things about other people all the time ...we are just blowing off steam..and really some people desrve what is said about them. Seriously have you seen what they do and say..... I mean it is not for me to judge and that is not what I am meaning to do but sometimes I have to let it out.....they get on my nerves.... And after I say It I am truly sorry....It was just a way (human old me way) to get it out of my system to make ME....feel ...oh AHAH ....All people are made in your likeness LORD. I praise YOU in one breath and tear YOU down in the next by tearing down your creation to make ME feel better.... Instead of coming and using my tounge for both praise and angst to you Lord I have been tearing down what you have made that is wonderful and perfect in your sight.....that does not make me look or feel like a very good servant of yours. NOW I GET IT!!!! I will now be much more cautious what I say about someone because you see everyone was made in the likeness of the LORD our GOD and so that being said I will praise you for all that you do through out your day because we all have done something worthy of sometype of praise. I have learned that once God gets a hold of me and gives me a WHAM it may take anywhere from a few hours to a week to process it but when I do it is truly worth it. I thank God for the WHAM!!!!

1 comment:

  1. wow, my Tam. That's a whamin'wow. keep bloggin'! LOVE to hear all God is teaching you! and learning from you is a gift!
